I once got a detention as a sophomore in a study period because I said the words "damn" and "hell" a bit too loudly. And as a result of this I lost my abilities to have shadows that would follow me around so I could tell them how awesome the school was. At first I was angry and wouldnt stop crying for days because the teacher (I felt) was being entirely unfair and taking from me the joys of inspiring the next generation.
But now as I ponder these injustices I look back and laugh, because I look at my school with a pure objective business perspective. Imagine if you will, a young eighth grade girl still on the fence about what school she would like to go to. By this time in an eight grader's life they have gotten good grades, and already interviewed and all that jazz. So the school WANTS them, the school NEEDS them. They, at this point, will do absolutely EVERYTHING they can to make them give them money and make them look good.
Its like the newest company who still need investors to finance their ventures. They can see the monkey suits stuffed with money and they want it bad. Therefore they will put their best foot forward. They water the plants in the office, make the workers tuck in their shirts, hide the doughnuts and put out gluten-free-vegan-patties. But the thing they emphasize the most to all of their loyal employees is to show our companys spirit.
Now when the company says this they REALLY mean, Be cheery and bright and tell the investors how much you like working here or you are fired. So when investors eventually DO come to look at the company, the thing that they are seeing and considering putting their hard earned money in is nothing like what it actually is; which is a SCAM. This is what Cor Jesu, and every other Catholic school does.
When these shadows come expecting to be seeing what an average day at CJ is like they are really seeing what the school wishes it was like. So although I may have been punished for my inappropriate use of language Id like to think I did that young girl a favor. Rather than tucking in my shirt and being something Im not, I was true to myself. So if she chooses to invest in the goods Cor Jesu can provide then she will know what she was getting into, at least I didnt convince a girl to come here by lying.
And if my Big Brother is watching you interpretation of my school seems a bit too harsh, consider me as an investor who has been coned by the company she had put all of her time and energy in. As a loyal investor and worker of the company have generally followed the rules and done the work asked of me, and yet I have often been victim to unnecessary changes (grading scale) and harsh punishments (detentions). As a student, I see these actions as fair, as an employee I might send in my letter of resignation.