The adventures of a teenage girl throughout the cupcake and unicorn infested realm of her mind!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Going Through the Motions
I am a weird mixture of organized and pathological laziness, and so I have some regimens that I use occasionally and some I use religiously.
During the summer I go to mass and pray the rosary every day. And during the school year I listen to audio books, attend theatre rehearsals, and facebook my friends before doing homework.
I enjoy the structure of having certain activities to depend on mixed with breaks in between reserved for unplanned adventures. But when I do not get to do these things I just don’t feel right or content.
If say, I haven’t read some of the novel I am reading that week I will be distracted and sad because I want to know what happens next, and I haven’t gotten to escape to a foreign land that day.
If I am about to go to bed I know I will not sleep unless my closet is completely closed and I am safely under the blankets. Because secretly I still think there are monsters under my bed.
Or if I didn’t write about something completely boring in my life that no one cares about but me, I just couldn’t call myself Maggie Baine, the Rainbowland Queen.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
In Which I Gush about Boys
I have been called many things in my time. Jesus freak, nerdfighter, naive, obnoxious. But never have I had a guy call me his girlfriend. At least not in a real or committed relationship. I get the wiggins just thinking about it, and yet I also get extremely happy. The floaty butterfly sort of happy where you could find out the most depressing news in the world and be like, "That's okay."
We have been friends for a year, so actually owning up and admitting I liked him was a huge step in it's own right. But now we're dating...
I keep saying the words over and over again because it is unreal. Boyfriend. Girlfriend. Dating. Relationship. And the best part of it all is that hes FANTASTIC. His name is Adelbert, yes Adelbert. Because his family is German and Germans name their children things like Adelbert.
He is Catholic, funny, adorable, sweet, polite, and is friends with anyone. But most of all he knows exactly how crazy I am only for some reason he still likes me.
Don't worry readers, he is also a gentleman and lives chastely like me. But I'll keep an eye on him anyway.
; )
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Maggie's A-Team
The best of these is the age old question, “If you had form a team to save the world who would be in it?” It is after all a fantastic question. You must take in all factors. How would the team get along? Who would be the leader? What exactly would they be fighting against (Ninjas, Zombies, Asteroids, Daleks, Satan, Miley Cyrus, ect.)? And how would they defeat said threat? Is it possible for one member to be TOO powerful?

So I hope it is comforting for you all to know that if ever we are all in mortal danger all you have to do is call on me to bring a king, a hybrid, a timelord, a quantum physicist, and a vampire together. Easy as pie.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Antonio Carlos
My mom and I were in a Toys R Us and there were about 100 robot babies (like the kind for classes) just sitting there unloved and they look so real, and I felt bad (particularly after Toy Story 3). So my mom and I got a little robot baby. She let me pick whatever I wanted. They all looked different races and had different features.
And then suddenly I saw him, my own Antonio. He was chubby and had squinty little eyes and dark hair. The best part is that all the other babies had necks that fell back if you didn't support the head to make sure, you know kids are in fact, fragile...gasp! Anyway Antonio was not like that at all. He had a big strong neck and sat all upright and perky. And he had really big feet (like me). And soft brown eyes (like me). And even had a cute little diaper
I could tell he was the king of the robot babies. If the robot babies were dictators, he was Stalin. If they were a boy band, he would be the romantic one. If he were a Texas ranger, he would be Walker. In short, Antonio was awesome.
And so I plucked him from his cardboard box and he kept me company while I did math. I named him Antonio Carlos (After Antonio Banderes and the baby from The Hangover). Then We carried him out in my mom's purse (making him a lot like Moses). And he is now a part of the family!
Welcome home Antonio!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My Life is Some Sort of Sitcom
Even as I grew older I can remember weeks and family time all planned around the holy vessel known as the television. If The West Wing was on everyone sat and watched intently pretending to know what was going on. It was particularly strange for me being so young because I had even less idea. All I can remember was a lot of walking and really fast talking and women who looked like they needed to take a nice nap. But if I tried to ask what was going on I would get yelled at because they missed some epic news like "The Earl of Nambia has been decapitated with a laser gun constructed by terrorists under the employment of Al Gore's mistress!"
And books were a huge part as well. Where was my favorite place to hang out in the horrid elementary school I was stuck in? The library! It was small and cozy with big wooden bookshelves. Filled with Nancy Drew, Animal books, magazines, and big shiny apple computers. It was a child's paradise. And we always had story time with our librarian. Who had the low and graceful voice of a world leader. Her voice was the one I heard every time I was reading.
That too carried on to high school. The CJ library was one of the main reasons I loved the school in the first place. It has dark blue carpet and even bigger wooden shelves filled with every book ever. And the lines of them create a perfect little corner right under a big window. It's in that corner where my 2 best friends and I would watch youtube videos and talk when we should have been studying. Them were great times.
And as for movies, well that goes without saying. They take the worlds I have created in my mind and then are made available for all to see. Narnia, Hogwarts, Neverland, Wonderland, Asgard. We all complain about how "The books were so much better!" But I think we take for granted the privilege we have in witnessing film. It is one man's vision conveyed to another. To share, to show the beauty in the chaos in our minds. How cool is that?
So perhaps Albert Einstein knew more than all of us when he said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." Because Imagination has basically run my life up to this point.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Lost in Austen
The movie had one of the best Darcy's that I have ever seen, certainly one of the best looking. And The keeping of the dynamic of the beloved characters was perfectly held in the many hypothetical situations. The entire thing accomplished one of my favorite things about movies, which is to ask "What if?". That is to me what makes the movie so fun and what made me and Amanda both Lost in Austen. Although my tale was a bit different.
After a combination of seeing the mini-series (with the amazing Colin Firth) for the first time and re-reading the novel for a class this coming semester you would think my mind would be strictly P&P. However (as always) my mind strayed a bit of track. Instead of dreaming of the Bennet sisters I was transported to an outing with the Dashwood sisters.
I had a strange yet wonderful dream that my life followed the plot of "Lost in Austen" only (you guessed it) instead of Pride and Prejudice it followed the story of Sense and Sensibility. In some sort of mix up I took Marianne's place and ended up marrying Christopher Brandon while she became an actress in the modern world.
And the best part of the entire thing was not only did I get to change the story for the better while interacting with my favorite characters, I got to find true love. The amazing, brave, handsome, and infinitely sweet and forgiving Colonel Brandon. Anyone who has even looked at my blog knows that I am obsessed with justice, happy endings, and OF COURSE prince charming. And me and Brandon ending up together seemed to fulfill all of those categories.
Because Although I love the novel with all my heart it always upset me the way Marianne ended up with Brandon and "learned to love him". With all do respect to Ms. Austen I believe both of the characters deserved more. Marianne deserved the exciting life she yearned for. And Brandon deserved the full and unconditional love of a woman he loved back.
Call me crazy for correcting classic literature. Say I'm missing some profound commentary on married life. But in all truthiness I will not be swayed to believe that the original version is better than the one of my dreams. So I will continue to enjoy reading Jane's work with joy (save some revisions). And continue to be Lost in Austen.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My School is Rainbowland's World War 2
But now as I ponder these injustices I look back and laugh, because I look at my school with a pure objective business perspective. Imagine if you will, a young eighth grade girl still on the fence about what school she would like to go to. By this time in an eight grader's life they have gotten good grades, and already interviewed and all that jazz. So the school WANTS them, the school NEEDS them. They, at this point, will do absolutely EVERYTHING they can to make them give them money and make them look good.
Its like the newest company who still need investors to finance their ventures. They can see the monkey suits stuffed with money and they want it bad. Therefore they will put their best foot forward. They water the plants in the office, make the workers tuck in their shirts, hide the doughnuts and put out gluten-free-vegan-patties. But the thing they emphasize the most to all of their loyal employees is to show our companys spirit.
Now when the company says this they REALLY mean, Be cheery and bright and tell the investors how much you like working here or you are fired. So when investors eventually DO come to look at the company, the thing that they are seeing and considering putting their hard earned money in is nothing like what it actually is; which is a SCAM. This is what Cor Jesu, and every other Catholic school does.
When these shadows come expecting to be seeing what an average day at CJ is like they are really seeing what the school wishes it was like. So although I may have been punished for my inappropriate use of language Id like to think I did that young girl a favor. Rather than tucking in my shirt and being something Im not, I was true to myself. So if she chooses to invest in the goods Cor Jesu can provide then she will know what she was getting into, at least I didnt convince a girl to come here by lying.
And if my Big Brother is watching you interpretation of my school seems a bit too harsh, consider me as an investor who has been coned by the company she had put all of her time and energy in. As a loyal investor and worker of the company have generally followed the rules and done the work asked of me, and yet I have often been victim to unnecessary changes (grading scale) and harsh punishments (detentions). As a student, I see these actions as fair, as an employee I might send in my letter of resignation.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
- Books I Still need to Read (or re-read): Pride and Predjudice, Emma. Sense and sensibility, Sense and sensibility and Seamonsters, Paper Towns (paperback), No Place Like Home, The Jewel Box, All for Love, The Moonstone, Bridget Jone's Diary, The Silver Challice, The Song of Bernadette, 7 Secrets of the Eucharist, Brave New World, The Inferno, The Tempest, The Taming of the Shrew, The Mysteries of Blair House, Wicked, Peter Pan (paperback), Kingdom Keepers, The Lightning Theif, The Prophecy, Doctor Who, Narnia, King Solomon's Mines, and the Phantom of the Opera.
- My Goal is: To finish all of these books while writing my way through Narnia and Doctor Who by the end of this summer 2010. This will be a difficult feat, but one worth while. I'm excited...ARE YOU?
Let the challenge begin!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Wanted: Prince Charming
I don't know the answers to these questions, and its really impossible to know their answers unless I have some sort of magic crystal ball. But sometimes it seems the idea of a "perfect" Prince is a little unfair anyway. Because NO ONE is perfect, I mean even my BIGGEST crushes have huge flaws that come with their amazingness. For example:
Peter Pevensie- High King of Narnia
From: Narnia
Pros: He is loyal, strong, Nobel, honorable, and purely loving.
Cons: He has a knack for making rash decisions, particularly in battle (which gets people killed) and stubbornness that causes him to fight with others.
Mick St. John- Vampire and Private Investigator
From: L.A.
Pros: His charm, humour, and great hair. Also can play the guitar and is a a great friend to Josef.
Cons: His vampire thing means that he always needs blood, that he will stay young as I grow old, and he has a bit of a temper when provoked. He also has a CRAZY ex-wife and clingy girlfriend.
John Smith- English Captain and Explorer
From: England
Pros: One of the most handsome Disney guys ever. Has a great smile, adventurous spirit, charm, and charisma. He is also very loyal to the other men in his crew and is able to give himself to love fully.
Cons: He didn't fight for Pocahontas! It still pisses me off to this day! Disney just put in a new guy randomly who was not NEARLY as cute as him and- ROAR...whatever...
From: Gallifrey
Pros: Coolest Person to ever live...EVER...'nuff said. (Wow I'm a nerd)
Cons: Two hearts, travels through time, has LOTS of girlfriends
- SO it's safe to say even the dreamy awesome people are flawed
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
What the Hell Is Rainbowland?
- Hello, this is Maggie speaking; adventurer of the mind, and nerd extraordinaire! And this here is an insight into my slightly insane realm of ramblings and abnormal observations into my life.
- Although I am a sixteen-year-old teenage girl I sometimes feel like I'm somewhere between a bitter forty-year-old woman, and a immature five-year-old girl.
- I have recently required an acoustic guitar, which has been my dream to have since I got into my wizard rock obsession, and started my band Magical Honor Society with my three friends. And despite the fact that I am trying to teach myself, I have the two problems of homework and pathological laziness. O well, at least I got the E chord!
- And the only other things YOU NEED TO KNOW that I love are most certainly;
- Unicorns
- The Princess and The Frog
- The smell of Roses and pink Orchids
- Rainbows
- Jesus
- Narnia
- Comic Books
- Movies
- Pocahontas
- Harry Potter (But not as much as Narnia)
- Santa Claus
- Musicals
- Weddings
- Quantum Leap
- Babies
- Tim Burton
But that's enough about me~
If you hadn't noticed from the title of this blog, I live in an imaginary world in my head called Rainbowland. This world is filled with princesses and magic, business and fairies, and most importantly social justice! It is run by the princesses who rule the individual cultures and/or supervise the exports and products of Rainbowland. Examples; Princess of Ice Dust, Princess of Mayans, Princess of Irish, Princess of Feminism. Anywho in the long run it's simply the ongoing world in my mind that somehow seems to mingle with my life from time to time.
The point is that these adventures are simply too good to keep to my self, and so they are here to be shared with you!