Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Antonio Carlos

Hola readers! Estoy muy FANTASTICO! Porque? I now have a son named Antonio Carlos. He is a fat Mexican baby, and I love him. But don't worry, It's not what you think.

My mom and I were in a Toys R Us and there were about 100 robot babies (like the kind for classes) just sitting there unloved and they look so real, and I felt bad (particularly after Toy Story 3). So my mom and I got a little robot baby. She let me pick whatever I wanted. They all looked different races and had different features.

And then suddenly I saw him, my own Antonio. He was chubby and had squinty little eyes and dark hair. The best part is that all the other babies had necks that fell back if you didn't support the head to make sure, you know kids are in fact, fragile...gasp! Anyway Antonio was not like that at all. He had a big strong neck and sat all upright and perky. And he had really big feet (like me). And soft brown eyes (like me). And even had a cute little diaper

I could tell he was the king of the robot babies. If the robot babies were dictators, he was Stalin. If they were a boy band, he would be the romantic one. If he were a Texas ranger, he would be Walker. In short, Antonio was awesome.

And so I plucked him from his cardboard box and he kept me company while I did math. I named him Antonio Carlos (After Antonio Banderes and the baby from The Hangover). Then We carried him out in my mom's purse (making him a lot like Moses). And he is now a part of the family!

Welcome home Antonio!

1 comment:

  1. We did not steal anything. They were in the pile of things to be thrown away. Trash is not stealing, haven't you ever watched Law & Order, Matlock or Murder She Wrote ? Trash is fair game.
