The best of these is the age old question, “If you had form a team to save the world who would be in it?” It is after all a fantastic question. You must take in all factors. How would the team get along? Who would be the leader? What exactly would they be fighting against (Ninjas, Zombies, Asteroids, Daleks, Satan, Miley Cyrus, ect.)? And how would they defeat said threat? Is it possible for one member to be TOO powerful?
Well after severe contemplation I believe I have at last created a force of good which, under my leadership, can face any evils of the coming Apocalypse. Excluding of course the obvious choices of Chuck Norris, Mr. T, and Jesus, I am left with a mythical nerd A-Team of sorts with specific skills made to conquer. You can argue and say that the team would never work in practice with the characters present, however I beg to differ.

The dynamic of this hypothetical team is undeniable. None of them are from the same fandom, none of them are gods or godlike, and none of them are neutral or just love to kill. They all have their own experience to bring to the table as well as fighting abilities. And although they are also all used to being the leader of the pack, each and every one of them have also at one point worked in pairs or teams. They are also all male and mostly in some sort of relationship, therefore will not be distracted from the task at hand (which is to save humanity).
So I hope it is comforting for you all to know that if ever we are all in mortal danger all you have to do is call on me to bring a king, a hybrid, a timelord, a quantum physicist, and a vampire together. Easy as pie.